Animals are very similar with humans living on this planet and learning how to live.What it really had happened every year animals are becoming close to extinction thanks to the humanity.People who cares for their business becoming successful as much of possible while these creatures trying to survive in peace.The word extinction seems so depressing meaning it will no longer exist for the future. Imagine these creatures did extinct and now the childrens of the future didn't have a chance to see and shock of there habitat becomes a city. It also happened many centuries ago now is increasing with a huge list of animals that desperately need help. We the people are responsible for the actions causing many chaos in there environment, need to protect them.
There was many problems about endangered species that are threatened making the population disappear. It is increasing to become endangered then extinct the rate of the species of amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, and even plants. The humanity of their living is improving their economics and make a huge profit. By making huge profit with medicines, food, furniture, clothing and many more resources that is useful to become dependent with them. Having more animals being kidnapped it relates to kidnapped children using for work. In the beginning of the era where dinosaur lived it went extinct from volcanic eruptions, asteroids strikes, and climate shifts . When it happened with caveman, natives, and explores it started with humans however they too need to survive for food and shelter learning the landscape. These people were having fear also the animals in addition people were having fear so shooting and interest of their fur for clothing involves fashion.
There are many causes why animals are endangered close to be extinct. The main reasons is loss of habitat, climate change and illegal wildlife trade. The loss of habitat made these creature loosing homes for humans to live having the agriculture gas and oil.There are 3 kinds of habitat loss destruction, fragmentation and degradation. According to for destruction " Other ways that people are directly destroying habitat, include filling in wetlands, dredging rivers, mowing fields, and cutting down trees." Second for fragmentation:" Much of the remaining terrestrial wildlife habitat in the U.S. has been cut up into fragments by roads and development. Aquatic species’ habitat has been fragmented by dams and water diversions. These fragments of habitat may not be large or connected enough to support species that need a large territory in which to find mates and food".Third, degradation," Pollution, invasive species and disruption of ecosystem processes (such as changing the intensity of fires in an ecosystem) are some of the ways habitats can become so
degraded that they no longer support native wildlife".
Next, is climate change affects the temperature of water have caused many problems for sea creatures and more."Climate change occurs as increased amounts of gases in the atmosphere allow the sun’s light to reach the Earth, but trap its heat radiating back from the surface" Having the droughts reducing the population of habitat and animals start to fade."Defenders is working to ensure the best science is being used to understand the full impacts of climate change on wildlife and ecosystems"
Last is illegal trade where making huge success that surpassing their killing. Making profit for selling merchandise and even used for medicine.When is illegal trade have made for the money.

"The world is dealing with an unprecedented spike in illegal wildlife trade, threatening to overturn decades of conservation gains. Ivory estimated to weigh more than 23 metric tons—a figure that represents 2,500 elephants—was seized in the 13 largest seizures of illegal ivory in 2011. Poaching threatens the last of our wild tigers that number as few as 3,200.As human populations have grown, so has the demand for wildlife. People in many countries are accustomed to a lifestyle which fuels demand for wildlife"
"The Extinction Crisis." Center for Biological Diversity. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.
"Illegal Wildlife Trade." World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2016
- "Habitat Loss - National Wildlife Federation." Habitat Loss - National Wildlife Federation. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
"Climate Change 101." Defenders of Wildlife. N.p., 01 Jan. 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.
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