Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Strong Emotions

Baby Animals

         Every time when there a cute baby animals it changes everything and forget anything. Whether there's  a puppy fluffy round face almost look like a bear cub, small, so funny how it walks and run playful as if is a happy child. Is doesn't have to be a puppy it can be a bunny, sea turtle, sloth, lion cub,dinosaur anything. Looking at their images express feelings awe how gorgeous forgetting the negative emotions of stress, fear, anger, and sadness. For instance, watching a horror movie when it ends there a strike reaction of being dramatized scared to sleep nightmares come. The only way to be fearless is watch baby animals it calm the emotions. The more wee animals, disappear the terror and have beautiful dreams at night peacefully. These baby animals are precious in life gifted in cuteness in domestic and wild animals.


1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with this. In fact just last night I could not fall asleep due to negative thoughts I had running through my head. I decided to get on Instagram and I came across a cute picture of a puppy. Seeing that picture helped take my mind off the negative thoughts I was having.
